full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Chris Downey: Design with the blind in mind

Unscramble the Blue Letters

From that came a lot of insights, or outsights, as I called them, things that I learned since losing my sight. These outsights ranged from the trival to the profound, from the mundane to the huormous. As an architect, that stark jtuotsiipoxan of my sighted and uiengsthd experience of the same places and the same cities within such a short period of time has given me all sorts of weurondfl outsights of the city itself. Paramount amongst those was the realization that, actually, cities are fantastic places for the blind. And then I was also surprised by the city's propensity for kindness and care as opposed to indifference or wrose. And then I started to raiezle that it seemed like the blind seemed to have a positive ilfnecune on the city itself. That was a little curious to me.

Open Cloze

From that came a lot of insights, or outsights, as I called them, things that I learned since losing my sight. These outsights ranged from the trival to the profound, from the mundane to the ________. As an architect, that stark _____________ of my sighted and _________ experience of the same places and the same cities within such a short period of time has given me all sorts of _________ outsights of the city itself. Paramount amongst those was the realization that, actually, cities are fantastic places for the blind. And then I was also surprised by the city's propensity for kindness and care as opposed to indifference or _____. And then I started to _______ that it seemed like the blind seemed to have a positive _________ on the city itself. That was a little curious to me.


  1. wonderful
  2. realize
  3. humorous
  4. influence
  5. worse
  6. unsighted
  7. juxtaposition

Original Text

From that came a lot of insights, or outsights, as I called them, things that I learned since losing my sight. These outsights ranged from the trival to the profound, from the mundane to the humorous. As an architect, that stark juxtaposition of my sighted and unsighted experience of the same places and the same cities within such a short period of time has given me all sorts of wonderful outsights of the city itself. Paramount amongst those was the realization that, actually, cities are fantastic places for the blind. And then I was also surprised by the city's propensity for kindness and care as opposed to indifference or worse. And then I started to realize that it seemed like the blind seemed to have a positive influence on the city itself. That was a little curious to me.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
audible pedestrian 2
sighted experience 2
unsighted experience 2
short period 2
pretty cool 2

Important Words

  1. architect
  2. blind
  3. called
  4. care
  5. cities
  6. city
  7. curious
  8. experience
  9. fantastic
  10. humorous
  11. indifference
  12. influence
  13. insights
  14. juxtaposition
  15. kindness
  16. learned
  17. losing
  18. lot
  19. mundane
  20. opposed
  21. outsights
  22. paramount
  23. period
  24. places
  25. positive
  26. profound
  27. propensity
  28. ranged
  29. realization
  30. realize
  31. short
  32. sight
  33. sighted
  34. sorts
  35. stark
  36. started
  37. surprised
  38. time
  39. trival
  40. unsighted
  41. wonderful
  42. worse